Best Cash App Features You Probably Don’t Know Yet

Cash App is a popular payment app that is used by millions of people across the world. While most users are familiar with the basic features of the app, there are many advanced features that are not as well-known.

We will explore some of the best Cash App features that you may not be using yet. You have to download Cash App from the App Store or Play Store in order to Enjoy these features. Creating a Cash App account is very easy and simple.


Cash App Boosts are a great way to save money on your everyday purchases. Boosts are discounts that can be applied to specific merchants or categories of merchants, such as coffee shops or gas stations. By using a Boost, you can save up to 10% on your purchases.

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Bitcoin Trading

Cash App allows users to buy and sell Bitcoin directly from the app. This feature is easy to use and can be a great way to invest in cryptocurrency. Cash App also allows users to withdraw their Bitcoin to an external wallet if they prefer.

Cash Card

The Cash Card is a debit card that is linked to your Cash App account. The card can be used to make purchases or withdraw cash from ATMs. The Cash Card also offers cashback on certain purchases, making it a great option for those who frequently use their debit card.

Direct Deposit

Cash App allows users to set up direct deposit, which means that your paycheck can be automatically deposited into your Cash App account. This feature is easy to set up and can be a great way to avoid the fees associated with traditional bank accounts.

Customizable Display Name

Cash App allows users to customize their display name, which is the name that appears when they send or receive money. This feature is a great way to personalize your Cash App account and make it easier for others to recognize your account.

Cash App offers many advanced features that can be extremely useful for users. Boosts, Bitcoin trading, the Cash Card, direct deposit, and customizable display names are just a few of the many features that make Cash App a great option for managing your finances. By taking advantage of these features, you can make your experience with Cash App even more efficient and enjoyable